These Strange And Bizarre Facts About Egypt Are Hard To Believe

The land of the pharaohs has always been famous for its pyramids, the bandaged mummies and golden treasures. If you know these things, then you might believe that you can write a book on Egypt. However, a knowledgeable Egyptologist knows more than you. So what makes them better than you when it comes to the history of Egypt? Of course, most Egyptologists can read hieroglyphs and they can tell the names of all the pharaohs who ruled this country. They can also elucidate the events of the lives of some of those pharaohs. Apart from these, they also know a few things that regular travelers don’t, but they should. The information that you will find in this topic comes from renowned Egyptologists.

Egypt Family Tour 

  1. No camel rides: When you see photographs of the pyramids, the surroundings make you believe that they stand in a desert. This fact is true, but the ancient Egyptians never rode camels. The people there started resorting to these animals at the very end of the dynastic age. Today, you can enjoy camel rides around the necropolis of Giza if you book an Egypt Holiday from The ancient Egyptians preferred using donkeys as load-carriers and they primarily used boats for transportation.


  1. Restrictions to mummification: Most people who book a Trip to Egypt believe that the ancient Egyptians mummified everybody after death. Mummies are basically eviscerated, dried, and bandaged corpses. However, not everyone had the privilege to undergo mummification after their death. After all, it was an expensive and time-consuming process. That is why the normal individuals of ancient Egypt buried the dead in simple pits in the desert. The pharaohs and other nobles were the only recipients of mummification.
  2. Sharing of food: The tombs designed for the dead were like eternal homes for the mummified bodies along with the ka spirit that resided there. There used to be an accessible tomb-chapel where the families of the deceased could visit and leave offerings required by the ka. The hidden burial chambers used to protect the mummies from harm. The people of Egypt maintained regularity with this ritual of offering food and drink to the ka.

Egypt Holiday

  1. No inequality: Today, gender inequality is a plague that infests the whole world. The commoners of today should learn from the ancient Egyptians because they believed in maintaining equal rights. The women of ancient Egypt could own, earn, sell, buy, or inherit property. They could also choose to leave the guardianship of their parents and live unprotected. Widowed and divorced women could raise their children. They could even file cases in the court of law or acquire the shoes of their husbands if they were absent in business matters.
  2. Hieroglyphs weren’t the only language: Hieroglyph-writing consists of hundreds of intricate images. You know that they are somewhat mysterious but profoundly interesting and exceptionally beautiful to look at. However, creating hieroglyphic writings was a time-consuming task. That is why the people of ancient Egypt reserved it for the most important texts. The Egyptians resorted to a simplified and shorthand version of the hieroglyphic writing to go about their daily business.

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One last piece of knowledge

The information provided above should allow you to comprehend the fact that you are about to step into a bizarre world. The cities have no resemblance to the lives lived by the ancient Egyptians. However, you will feel the atmosphere changing as soon as you visit the historical sites, constructions, and monuments. Before you start packing your bags for the upcoming trip, there is one last piece of knowledge that will probably attract you. With the advent of the New Kingdom in 1550 BC, the fashion of building pyramids ceased to exist. In short, not all pharaohs created pyramids.